Saturday, 3 July 2010


This is a part of my blog I have dedicated to those random happenings for me on a day to day basis. This could be anything from me witnessing a funny sneeze, to seeing a two headed dog! I will always put my VERDICT at the end....

The other day I was on the train. Someone else was on the train. They were on the phone talking really loudly, you know that really high pitched voice that you just can't seem to block out no matter what? As if this wasn't bad enough. they were sitting a fair way away from me and I could smell their breath! It was absolutely rotten, I felt like I was stuck in some sort of sewage. VERDICT: I really do not think that you should be able to smell someone talking on the other side of the carraige.

The day after this I was again on my way home from work when I saw a very fat man running. He just missed the train that I was on, so proceeded to try and catch the one that was opposite, but this time, the man was determined not to be defeated. As the doors began to close on him, he, by some sort of superhero magic, transformed into hulk and forced the doors back open. VERDICT: Never underestimate a fat mans strength.